Daily life economy sector the largest consumers of fuel, heat and electricity. Modern life is unthinkable without energy services. People comfortable living conditions provided by lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical appliances. Home Communication, Information and entertainment use of the service center are tracked in phones, televisions, computers, etc. found out who, save electricity, water, heat, gas, the apartment has a better understanding of the energy savings in the building and you need to get the job time

Because of its geographical location Belarus has a relatively cold climate countries that applies to. Day approximately 200 days, the duration of energy used for heating heating is an important part of life. At the household level consumed almost 40% of the total amount spent on fuel and energy resources of the Republic. Power consumption, housing, and thermal energy used for heating in the public sector (60-70%) and included hot water(30-40%).
Unfortunately, yields are at an extremely low level of domestic energy consumption in our country. The average family of 3-4 persons in the apartment for heating and hot water boiler is burned in the CHP or 3 a year here. Also, such a family consumes 1200-1800 kWh of electricity a year. These values are 2 times higher the average of industrialized countries similar to the European climate. This energy is low the comfort of our homes: many modern appliances missing, venues that are typically supported to a sufficiently high temperature, the air quality is bad. And home energy determines to a large extent can quality of life of the population, health status, people's free time.
Indicators indicating the presence of a significant foreign and domestic mapping energy saving potential at the household level, above all for the purpose of effective implementation and the need, sweat and savings to improve people's quality of life. To meet these challenges, according to the state program "energy saving" is provided and conducted a series of will enjoy amenities such as long and short term.
Success the solutions of the necessary conditions are as follows:
- psychological mood and energy the population desire to consume sparingly;
- energy savings of the path of knowledge and skills you can use in their daily life;
- the attitude of the people diligent energy use, comfort, at the subconscious level, domestic discipline, is designed in a careful way.
If the first two conditions can be secured, in a relatively short time of the city's economic and organizational-administrative incentives, information and education measures, then the final conditions of the application requires a long time, so people have a formation as the name suggests, from the beginning, a specific culture, behaviour and habits due to concern for the future of energy and environmental welfare of the planet. So, held in the Republic, and improved multi-stage education system, energy saving, constant information and Advertising Studies.
Existing energy saving potential largely housing-the tenant in the household sector can be applied for a short time by themselves with simple, low-cost and effective way. This is important to understand the energy savings, not as a disclaimer, full of comfort and the necessary living conditions or vice versa to provide a path to a particular people and society in general primary energy for a limited amount of time.
Basic principles of program development and to reduce power consumption at home
Where you need to begin to reduce the heat power? Firstly you need to decide the amount with various payment volumes and resource consumption, so an odd to spend energy audit. This auxiliary counters (if any) and invoice per power consumption, and simple calculations and measurements. Preferably to determine a medium or resource consumption unit, various periods (week, month, year). This mandatory condition, the continuous and methodical work, energy saving. To evaluate the potential energy savings you should compare the obtained values, norms and European rates.
This help to answer the first question, the savings – what resource priority area is? This provides a direct benefit because you are considered to have a logical answer. Naturally, no expensive activities, energy saving, non-direct and can bring immediate savings needs after a detailed analysis of the application of all the benefits. We just an account here just electricity, energy, payment, and other energy sources are evenly divided between a large number of domestic consumers. However, total consumption and reduces her overall expenses and savings you should know that any energy source, including budget. In addition, gradually the situation will change: sooner or later all the energy is considered, and those who find out before, their savings, at the same time, it will be much easier. If taken care of, by keeping the costs of energy required to compensate for all kinds of energy saving activities and make use of them, then rank. This flow, objectives, and program activities and energy saving as well as the expected return is determined by that.
Possible measures to consider saving all kinds of energy consumed in daily life.
Heat energy savings.
The job is currently less common counters for several reasons: high cost, inadequate operation and measurement accuracy, etc., However, another perspective I can think of for this question: How is heating it to a temperature quite comfortable apartment support? Firstly to prepare heating.
Except for dust should be washed from the inside and the heaters to be cleaned periodically. During use, the inner surface is covered with rust and scale; sometimes it reaches such a size that substantially prevents the thickness of the deposit, channel, water, let alone moving about more work. Furniture and clutter should not be a normal area hotels to provide air circulation heaters. Are strictly prohibited, turn them off decorative plates, panels, curtains and even like a sharp drop since the heat transfer that leads to increase heat loss. To reduce heat loss in a heating system located over the wall of the apparatus and for the improvement of conditions for air circulation and it is recommended to increase the distance between the device Wall. The TC also recommended to install a layer of insulation reflective screen and. To limit the moving heated air, surface, and interior, required installation weatherstrip-glass windows, wide board. Lowers radiators, oil painting, painting job, 8-13 %, therefore, it is recommended to use zinc White.
A problem with insufficient heating and there is a problem with Paramore. Tenants suffer because Paramore is a place close to heating sources for houses. The reason Paramore – unbalanced regional heating systems. Therefore, it begs the need to regulate the output itself. Do you have an eye for it, the heating pipeline (1) by-pass (4 to). Perhaps the builders just "forgotten" to plug. Then bypass the installation (4) and temperature adjustment button (2) to provide heat or simple ball valve regulating the volume of the carrier with the heating device (3) and adjust the room temperature.
The problem is cold, the situation is much more complicated. It's not the root cause of low temperature in our homes, if the quality is poor, large heat loss. Specific heat energy consumption per square meter of housing in our country 2-4 times (depending on the specific building type) according to the European countries has a climate similar to higher. This just goes to show you, produced and even home very warm service, but it immediately disappears. Average heat loss by Beltei buildings are divided up as follows:
- window – 36%;
- ventilation – 28%;
- Wall – 26%;
- floor, basement – 10%.
Main heat months, if the insulation of a window (and is better change) you need them in the first place. The most effective way for glass installation. Now various designs, different heat retention capabilities, life, environmental characteristics, and price accordingly. Only filtered air between the panes, and the usual ordinary windows with a different window high integrity, simple, clean and more aesthetic appearance. Free vacuum double glazed windows and double-glazed, filled, inert gases. With which great thermal resistance. Glass may be coated with low-E film that prevents maintenance termootrazhayusch-shaped heat radiation, which reduces heat loss from the windows of 30-35%. Double glazed windows, a private practice they have the most advanced technology with heat resistance such as traditional exterior walls. Often times you installed Windows instead of glass frames internal standard. In this case, the obtained triple glazing to allow for more heat loss to reduce.
If you don't have the money for the glass installation, the reduction of job losses to take care of something with the current window. First, wash the glass thoroughly and then saving lighting. Second, the necessary to eliminate all cracks and loose. Paper tape it, but it in calm weather. To resolve the crevices between the frame and concrete mounting box, you can use foam. Glass must be an integer. Cheap and highly effective solution and, optionally, further glass groove grooves the internal surface of the external connector (staples are in good condition) or a transparent polymer film. So, triple glass windows will reduce heat loss from 20-30%. It is recommended to use the blade to reduce humidity between absorbers. Glasses fogging and freezing dry air heat conductivity and also reduced the intensity a little. In the winter, preferably the drape blackout curtain it off battery heating. Glass balconies and loggias to reduce joint 10...13 %. You must install a double door to reduce heat loss through the door, ghost door gasket here, various sizes of meeting rooms, lobbies.
Then you must take care of a vent, usually in the winter creates excessive desire. The ventilation cover in the kitchen and the bathroom are partially to completely turn off this permission, moisturize extremely dry weather (heated in the winter air, low humidity, a negative effect on your health what) to create the heat sensation. Forward the recommended insulation the outer wall, a room, a corner, the wall and the stairs.
Saving electricity
To save electricity when using electric.
First, you must have an alternative stove: electro science, electrocautery, microwave ovens, with significantly greater YIELD.
Secondly, the plate must not be defective. Propavsha to swelling and a chipped, dirty heating elements, may perform significantly more poorly, of course perform.
Thirdly, that there should be appropriate meals. Size pots should always be selected an appropriate case. With all the stuff that should have lids. The thing is, and I don't care twice as much energy as needed, no cap, no cover, whether or not it's pretty tight. Housewares lower electric heating element should be straight and firmly to the bed. When cooking, indoor hot boiled water when you make a reservation or appropriate near Izmir, just boiling water or the final preparation, thus 20% savings of electricity due to the thermal inertia of scorching warm warm near Izmir when booking. So while cooking the various savings to 10% when booking 30 power if you use hot yet cooled near Izmir, pre-heating the water that is used for ready meals, if arranged in advance and enjoy at room temperature with cold water straight from the tap.
While for all types of energy saving stoves. Products, thermal treatment requires long-term, better food pressure cooker. At the beginning of the cook you need to install a full capacity burner, and the boiling water then reduce it to a minimum as the rated load power is not connected to the boiling point of water, heat flow, and 100°C and depends on the product and quick cooking, temperature. Therefore, excessive heat, just Room spent the evaporation of water (moisture) and excess energy (electricity or gas), without affecting the cooking time.